Where is my email address?

In the interest of protecting my writing time, I’ve taken my email address down and won’t be responding to reader emails for the foreseeable future. If you need information for a report for school, please read my Frequently Asked Questions and About pages. Most of your answers can be found there. I am truly sorry for the inconvenience, but this is the only way I can make time to write, as well as take care of myself and my family. If you have a burning question, feel free to send it in a snail mail letter.

Snail mail:

Katie Alender, Author Mail
2870 Peachtree Rd. NW #915-1282
Atlanta, GA 30305

Currently, my reply time for letters is 2-4 months. Please keep this in mind if you’re writing to me for a school project. At this time, I do not offer signed materials, autographs, or photos.
NOTE: Due to postage costs, I can’t send replies internationally. If you are writing from outside of the United States and would like a reply, please include an email address!


Facebook Please note: for my privacy and yours, I do not accept friend requests or messages sent to my personal Facebook account.

ARC Requests:

For ARC/review copy requests, please contact my publishers’ publicity departments.

Events/signings/school visits:

I’m available to speak or conduct workshops across a variety of writing-related topics, for children, teens, or adults. To inquire about booking an event or school visit, please email grownupstuff at katiealender dot com.

Bigfoot sightings:

Please report to author A.S. King.


The Bad Girls Don’t Die series is published by Little, Brown Books for Young Readers

Marie Antoinette, Serial Killer; Famous Last Words; and The Dead Girls of Hysteria Hall are published by Scholastic, Inc.

The Companion is published by GP Putnam’s Sons Books for Young Readers


Katie Alender
c/o Matthew Elblonk
Defiore and Company
47 East 19th Street, 3rd Floor
New York, NY 10003
Defiore and Company website
DeFiore and Company’s submission guidelines